Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Hujambo means hello in Swahili!  Today Globe Trot Scott sent us a package from Uganda.  The kids were really surprised to learn that Africa is a continent and not a country.  I still think a few of them don't quite understand the difference and we will continue to talk about it over the next couple days and when we get back from Christmas break.    We learned that in Uganda they decorate their Christmas trees with little drums, tinsel and balloons.  Their Christmas dinner usually consists of chicken, rice and sweet potatoes.  Sounds delicious to me!  After learning about Uganda we watched a video of African drummers and then each student had the chance to play a drum.  Thank you Mrs. Durand for letting us borrow one!

We also learned a new math game today.  It is called Kakooma and it helps reinforce addition facts.  The website to play it is www.kakooma.com

Please make sure you are sending your child to school bundled up!  They wait outside in the morning and go outside for recess as long as it is 5 degrees.  5 degrees is really cold.  Yesterday the nurse did not have enough gloves to loan out.

I encourage you to share our class blog (www.mrslaueslittles.blogspot.com) with your family members at Christmas.  What a great way to keep Grandma and Grandpa in the loop.  Did you know you can sign up to receive an email when I update the blog?  Just look over on the right hand side where it says follow by email.  Enter your email address there and then follow the directions in the follow up email it sends! 

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