Ms. Hoffman is a total rock star! She planned an amazing day for our students today. For those of you who do not know what Unity Day is I will attempt to explain it the best I can. Students are split into mixed aged groups and go with different staff members for the majority of the day. When they are with their team, they play games and solve puzzles that involve teamwork. The adults are there to supervise and guide them in the right direction, but we do not give them solutions or answers. It is really awesome to see the leader in each student come out at some point in the day. I did not have any students from our class in my group today, but I did manage to snap a few pics as I seen them out and about.
As you can see they were very excited to start our day!
Students had to build a tower using spaghetti noodles, string, and tape. The marshmallow HAD to be at the top. This was challenging. It happened to be a kindergartner in my group who had the suggestion to stick the spaghetti noodles into the marshmallow!
This was another tricky station. The students each had a string and they had to transfer the ball from the ring in the middle onto a cone. This required A LOT of communication!
This one was a little disgusting, but the kids LOVED it! They had to find gummy worms in the bottom of the oatmeal water with their TOES!
This game required the students to transfer an entire bucket of water to the other side of the sidewalk using only solo cups and they had to pass the water into each teammates cup on the way there!
We took a break from the action! What an exhausting day!
I know some other staff members took pictures. I will update as I get more!
Thank you so much to all the volunteers, as this day would not have been possible without you!